All information contained in this website is of a general nature and is not intended to be exhaustive. It is made available in good faith and believed to be correct at the time of preparation.
The information does not provide specific investment advice, as the needs, financial and investment objectives of any particular person, including yours, were not taken into account when preparing the information. The information is not intended to replace professional advice and we recommend you consult an authorised adviser of SPM Investment Group Pty Ltd (SPM IG) before making any investment decision.
We do not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the information nor that the website is free from viruses or access to it will be uninterrupted.
Portfolio reporting to Private Clients may from time to time not reflect the actual position of the portfolio. In some events the information contained in some reports is provided solely or partially by third parties for whom SPM IG does not acknowledge responsibility. Should such an instance be detected please contact our office via email [email protected] immediately.
Applications, investments or strategy advice inline with any recommendations are only accepted on receipt of an application form accompanying a current disclosure document and your Authority to Proceed. Detailed information about the relevant product and services is contained in the disclosure document or provided advice document and supportive research. The repayment of your investment and performance of some investments, products and services are not guaranteed. If a specific item provides an underlying guarantee we will clearly inform you.
The information is only provided for Australian residents (other than Private Clients of SPM Investment Group Pty Ltd) and not for the use of any person outside of Australia as the investments, products and services may not comply with non-Australian laws. References to currency in this website are to Australian dollars, unless otherwise specified.
SPM Investment Group Pty Ltd (SPM IG) abides by the Australian Privacy Principals (APPs) established under the Privacy Act 1988 to protect your privacy. The basic principles are:
1. We will only collect information from you that we require in order to enable us to render our services in relation to your financial and portfolio management needs.
2. We will only provide this information to other third parties such as brokers, fund managers, legal and taxation specialist and life companies for the purposes of providing financial services.
3. If we need to disclose your information to a third party located overseas as part of the provision of services to you, we will inform you of where the third party is located, if possible to do so.
4. We will not sell or provide your information to any other third party not connected with the provision of these financial services.
5. If inaccurate or incomplete information is provided, we may not be able to provide you with the services and/or investment products you are seeking.
6. We will keep your personal information secure and only allow SPM staff access to that information on a need-to-know basis.
7. You need to be aware that our records are audited each calendar year. Your records maybe chosen for review, if you do not wish you information to be released you will need to provide a sign statement to be held on file.
8. If you wish to know what information we hold about you, we will tell you and give you access to that information.
A full copy of the SPM IG Privacy Policy can be downloaded here (SPM Privacy Policy) or contact our office at [email protected].
SPM Investment Group Pty Ltd (SPM IG) is committed to ensuring you receive pre-eminent financial, portfolio and investment management. If you have a complaint about the services provided to you by SPM, you should contact us via any of the following:
Phone: + 61 7 5479 6808
Post: Compliance Officer
PO Box 233 Maroochydore QLD 4558
Email: [email protected]
We will acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day and make all endeavours to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly.
Should you require assistance in accessing our complaints handling process, or lodging a complaint, we will provide appropriate accessibility and assistance as needed as set out in our Complaints Management Policy. Please let our office know if you would like this information provided to you via post, large font or in another format.
SPM IG will formally respond to your complaint in writing within 30 calendar days. Our response will be compiled in consultation with your adviser and only after thorough investigation of all matters.
After you have received our response, should you not be satisfied you have the right to take the matter to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA), which is an external disputes resolution scheme in place to provide independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers.
SPM IG is proud to be a member (no. 12736) of AFCA and you can contact them at the following address:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3
Melbourne VIC 3001
Ph:1800 931 678
E:[email protected]
A full copy of the SPM IG Complaints Management Policy can be downloaded here (SPM IG Complaints Management Policy) or contact our office at [email protected]